The GCSA Certification Journey

The GCSA evidenced-based assessment process is supportive and transformative.

It highlights where a site is already excelling, and identifies any areas for development across the 7 high-impact business operational areas, cited by sponsors/CROs as being critical to the delivery of world-class clinical trials.

The 7 GCSA Pillars:

Patient Engagement


Study Start up & Initiation

Study Management, Operations, & Close Down

Workforce Process Quality

Business Strategy


Sites embarking on the GCSA Assessment Process will go through the following Journey


Document Request

Launch to Workforce


Document Review

Staff Surveys & Discussions


Gap Analysis Report (detailing areas of excellence and areas for further consideration)

Improvement Time

Feedback provided to site and time agreed to allow site to make improvements (if needed)

Reassessment conducted
(only if improvements
are needed)



Post-certification marketing support provided by GCSA Team

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the assessment and certification process take?
Sites take approximately 30 – 120 days from project kick-off to certification award (depending on size and complexity of site).
How do we provide the documentary evidence?

The GCSA Assessment Team will provide clear guidelines and support regarding the necessary documents you will need to provide to allow assessment and gap analysis across the 7 assessment modules. Documents are normally uploaded into a secure shared portal.

How much staff time/investment is required to complete the process?

The GCSA certification journey engages the whole clinical research team in a positive, inclusive and supportive way. In addition to gathering the necessary documentary evidence, staff are involved as follows:

  • 1 hour kick-off meeting – A motivating launch meeting to engage your workforce and answer their questions (conducted virtually, or in person upon request)
  • 30 minute online survey – Sent directly to your workforce. We encourage as many people to complete the survey as possible, it provides an opportunity for everyone to share feedback and ideas.
  • 30 minute 1-to-1 discussions – Held with a selected sub-group of your workforce, enabling GCSA assessor to gain a deeper understanding
  • Award ceremony and staff celebration – This can be as short or long as you wish. Most sites take the opportunity to gather their team together to celebrate the success (we will continue to work with you to help market and publicize your success to the industry)
What is included in the report?

The Gap analysis report is highly detailed and comprehensive. It clearly highlights where a site is excelling, and where there are areas for further consideration or development. If development areas are identified, recommendations are clearly stated.