If you can’t find an answer to your question below please do contact us
How does IAOCR Accreditation compare with certification provided by other organizations?
IAOCR is the industry gold standard for clinical research professionals. It is the most robust standard in the industry, (based on a two-step independent verificaton process) and the only standard that is currently internationally recognizable (See question below ‘what makes IAOCR internationally recognized?).
All IAOCR accreditatons are underpinned by global core competency frameworks for clinical research. These frameworks are agreed in collaboration with industry leaders who participate in our international Taskforces and include members from Pharma/Biotech, CRO’s, Clinical Trial Sites, Government, Regulatory Authorities and Professional Bodies.
What makes IAOCR internationally recognized?
IAOCR awards Internationally Qualified Professional Status to clinical research professionals based upon evidence of individual competence. Our independently accredited modules and accredited assessment criteria are mapped to the International Standard Classification of Education developed by UNESCO. This is the framework which provides an international “currency” for qualifications and accreditations and thus enables IAOCR Qualified Status Certification to be recognizable by educational establishments and employers globally.
Does IAOCR award CPD Points?
Delegates/learners receive recognized “learning credits” and “CPE” (Continuing Professional Education Points). 1 learning credit is approximately 10 notional learning hours (these are internationally accredited). 1 notional learning hour is equal to 1 CPD point or 1 CPE point.
Do individuals need to repeat their accreditation assessment at specified times in order to keep their Internationally Qualified Professional Status?
No – as with university degrees and other qualifications, once an IAOCR accreditation is awarded the individual owns it for life. However, we recommend that all clinical research professionals and organizations implement a process to ensure competence is kept up-to-date and relevant.
What does it mean that IAOCR Accreditation programs are independently quality assured?
IAOCR provides independent assessment and verification of workplace competence. To ensure the highest level of robustness, consistency and objectivity we work follow a 2 step independent verification process following the completed initial assessment.
Is it compulsory to do a training course first?
No – not if you are already an expereinced clinical research professional or have undergone previous training. The accreditation assessment is designed to determine whether someone has the skills, knowledge and behaviours to perform their role competently.
If you are new to your role or early in your career and training is required, you can complete a good quality training course first with another provider*. If you are already experienced and competent in your role, you can ‘self-certify’ that you have the relevant background to complete the competency assessment areas in the accreditation before enrolment.
*Note – IAOCR does not provide training to individuals. We do quality assure training programs run by our Employer Academy and Certified Academy Partners but we do not normally offer training directly.
My organization offers clinical research training to external learners - can I accredit my training courses?
Yes, as part of our Certified Academy Partnership approach, we work with you to quality assure your training programs. However, we only quality assure your training programs as part of the overall partnership arrangement, which includes putting all learners through the IAOCR accreditation assessment upon completion of the training program (this is how we ensure that an individual is competent in their role as a result of the training).
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